Creating a loyalty program

At the heart of Web3 is how to reward community members for being engaged and contributing to the community. Carma provides the infrastructure and rails that enables any community to set up a rewards / loyalty program. No matter what action you want to reward, the Carma system can power your loyalty program.

Get started by navigating to the “Loyalty Automations” tab on the side menu. Start by clicking the “Create Rule” button and replacing “Untitled Rule” with the name of your rule. Select which action you want to reward by first selecting the platform, and then entering the specific action such as send a certain number of Discord messages.

On the next step, select what you want the reward to be for completing that action. Rewards for rules are optional. You might want to create a set of base rules (such as message and react in Discord) that you use to build a combo rule. You may want to set up your rules so that only the combo rule assigns a reward, and no rewards are assigned for the base rules.

When you want the rule to assign a reward, select a type of reward from the drop-down menu. You can assign loyalty points, a Discord role, or custom. Custom rewards are rewards that your project may have to assign manually, such as an in-game reward. In this case, the rule will provide you a list of everyone who has met that rule rather than sending a reward automatically.

Before assigning loyalty points as a reward, first create a new point type for your community under the Settings tab.

Before assigning a Discord role, you must have a Discord server integrated to your Carma project and the Carma Discord bot needs to be higher permissions than the role

In the next section, you can define the repeatability of this rule to include any type of cooldown period or refresh rate on the rule. Lastly, set the options for the rule such as the start date and end date. Once you finish the rule, it will be saved and displayed in your rule list. Once you are ready to enable the rule, click the “on” switch to enable the rule. You can always edit, disable, or delete rules. You can also use the three dots to expand the option menu to view rule settings or view results.

Rules created as part of a loyalty program start tracking activities as soon as it is enabled, meaning it tracks only new activities. To be able to reward activities that have happened in the past, please reach out to to perform a historical multi-platform giveaway.

On the Rules tab, you will be able to filter by enabled, or tag. To add a new tag, type into the input field, select a color from the drop-down and hit enter. Hover over a rule to see the trash icon to delete a tag. Once you have tags created, you can click the Plus icon next to each rule under the Tags column to add tags to rules. This can be used for easy filtering.

If you click the “Results” option, you will see everyone who completed that rule, what time they most recently completed it, and how many total times they completed it if it was allowed to be repeated. You can click the “Get Data” and “Download” buttons to download these results into a csv.

If you would like to see a leaderboard of your community based on their loyalty points, click the Leaderboard tab in the top menu. This will show you the top 500 members of your community ranked by how many loyalty points they have earned.

If you would like to set limits on how many loyalty points members can earn by day, by week, or in total, navigate to the Settings tab in the top menu. In the “Point Limitations” section, click “Add Point Limitation” and go through the flow. You will need to add the rules that you want included in this point limitation, which will limit members to a certain number of points during the specified time period.

Community members can check their progress towards the loyalty system by using a Carma command in Discord. Please reach out to to get this set up.

We work with a wide range of projects to build customization into their loyalty programs as well as build public-facing campaigns and leaderboard pages. If you are interested in this type of white-label solution, please contact

We would love to hear more about your specific use case and project needs! Please reach out to to get a full demo of the product, or get your Carma account set up for your specific project needs.

Last updated